Course curriculum

  • 1


  • 2

    Understanding the Journey

    • How trauma is stored

    • How to hold space for your journey

    • How healing works

    • What could block your healing

    • What to avoid

  • 3

    Releasing the Blocks to Healing

    • Letting go and knowing how to receive

  • 4

    The Skeletal System

    • What's covered

    • Part 1: Teeth & Jaws

    • Part 2: Joints

  • 5

    The Endocrine System

    • What's covered

    • Healing meditation

  • 6

    The Digestive System

    • What's covered

    • Healing meditation

  • 7

    The Respiratory System

    • What's covered

    • Healing meditation

  • 8

    The Circulatory System

    • What's covered

    • Part 1: Releasing stress in the physical body

    • Part 2: Releases, Healing and Downloads for the DNA and the Soul

  • 9

    The Immune, Lymph and Excretory Systems

    • What's covered

    • Healing meditation

  • 10

    The Sexual System

    • What's covered

    • Healing meditation

  • 11

    The Musculatory System

    • What's covered

    • Healing meditation

  • 12

    The Nervous System

    • What's covered

    • Healing meditation

  • 13

    The Skin

    • What's covered

    • Healing meditation

  • 14

    The Eyes

    • What's covered

    • Healing meditation

  • 15

    The Brain

    • What's covered

    • Part 1: General healing

    • Part 2: Healing deep seated beliefs

  • 16

    The Ears

    • What's covered

    • Healing meditation

  • 17

    Harmonizing the Body

    • What's covered

    • Healing meditation

  • 18

    Supportive Meditations

    • Clearing and protection

    • Receiving extra healing from the Creator

  • 19

    Going Forward

    • Integration

  • 20

    Frequently Asked Questions

    • "I didn't feel anything?"

    • "Can I listen to this multiple times?"

    • "Some beliefs are similar across ailments?"

    • "I felt something come up after a meditation"

    • "I need assistance"