Course curriculum

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    Welcome to Wonderland

    • Land acknowledgements

    • Rules

    • Disclaimer

    • The focus of this course

    • What you will learn

    • What do you need?

    • What's involved

    • Tips to get the most out of this experience

    • How to work through this course

    • Other helpful resources

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    Follow the White Rabbit

    • Spirit Sign # 1

    • Inner Child

    • Connection to the Land

    • The Creation Story

    • The Key (Game-changer)

    • Transitions and Concept of Time

    • Bending Time

    • Spirit Sign #2

    • Active Listening II - Finding Hidden Belief Systems

    • Spirit Sign #3

    • Avoiding the Tortured Artist Syndrome

    • Dualities

    • Virtues

    • Spirit Sign #4

    • Drum Journey

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    Guidance from Your Divine Feminine

    • Your Divine Feminine Energy

    • Choose Your Queen

    • Queen of Wands

    • Queen of Swords

    • Queen of Pentacles

    • Queen of Cups

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    Guidance from Your Divine Masculine

    • Your Divine Masculine Energy

    • Choose Your King

    • King of Wands

    • King of Swords

    • King of Pentacles

    • King of Cups

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    Circle Meditations

    • About the meditations

    • First Circle - Power10 + Journey in Timelines

    • Second Circle - Healing the Womb and the Divine Feminine

    • Third Circle - Healing the Divine Masculine

    • Fourth Circle Part 1 - Healing the Room of Your Inner Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine

    • Fourth Circle Part 2 - Balancing the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine

    • (Bonus!) Fifth Circle - Healing with Divine Feminine Spirits

    • Healing Negative Beliefs from Songs

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    Going Forward

    • Integration

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    Reference - Students' Playlist

    • 2022 class playlist

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    Reference - Plant Medicines Used by Students

    • 2022 Class

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    Reference - Rose Healing Altar

    • Rose Healing Altar for 2022 Class

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    Resources - Books

    • Books Used for Power10 Inspirations